On August 5th, Sam turned 6 months old. It's been a fun month and he continues to change all the time. He continues to love the dogs and "talk" to them in his high pitch screeches.
At 6 months, Sam had already grown out of nearly all of his 3-6 month clothes. He was wearing mostly 6 month, 6-9 month or even 6-12 month. He was still very smiley and active. One of the funniest things we noticed was the new faces he started making. This is just one of our favorites.
6 months was also a milestone because Sam started sleeping primarily in his Pack'n'Play in preparation for the crib someday. No matter where he sleeps, he still tends to wake up a couple times a night trying to eat. It's a work in progress. K and I also discovered that, like so many kids out there, our boy sometimes likes the box more than whatever toy actually came inside.
Sam started to try out rice cereal and other solid foods like Mum Mum bars this month. It's amazing how much more difficult it can get when he tries to "help," but we're learning.
Our little boy did have a 6 months appointment. We got his measurements again while K showed off her skills keeping a very tired Sam happy. A very short morning nap and shots is a rough combination for a 6 month old it turns out. Not to mention the fact that they didn't have the normal combo shot and Sam was giving an oral vaccine as well as 5 separate shots in his thighs. Here was his 6 month numbers:
Height: 27 inches (67%) Weight: 19 lbs 8.4 oz (85%) Head Circ.: 17.75 inches (93%)
Sam also came to our tournament in Winston Salem. He was very good playing under the tent most of the day. With the help of his trusty Boppy, he was able to sit and play with his toys all by himself for a good while and even took a good nap or two! And of course, we'll leave you with his latest monthly photo: